Sustainability and Diversity.

Because of our social commitment, we started mapping out
our environmental footprint and the development of a diversity policy in 2023. Both initiatives are anchored in our strategic plan and are supported by the management.

Within the pillar 'Sustainability' we are taking the following initiatives:

  • Making our CO2 footprint fully transparent, through internal research and contributions from
    external specialists.
  • Goal to reduce 20% of measured emissions by 2023.
  • We compensate for the remainder of emissions by planting trees. We do this by
    certified bodies.
  • Through an annual focus on sustainability, we are gradually bringing our footprint back to

The result is that our company is demonstrably climate neutral.

Within the pillar 'diversities“we use the following priorities. From our strategic plan
our management commits to specifically developed KPIs for each spearhead:

  1. We have clear goals for diversity: We know where we are going when it comes to diversity
    want and we share this with our employees. We aim for a healthy mix in the structure
    of our workforce (gender and ethnic origin).
  2. We ensure an inclusive work environment. Everyone feels welcome and there is space
    for different perspectives and ideas. We support this with training and
    workshops with a focus on diversity and inclusion, promoting open communication
    and encouraging employees to provide feedback on policy and each other.
  3. In our recruitment process, we are open to candidates from different backgrounds. We
    check that our vacancies do not exclude anyone.
  4. There is equal treatment for all employees, both in terms of interaction and experience.
    There is no room for discrimination or unequal treatment based on gender,
    ethnicity, religion, or other characteristics.
  5. Diversity is part of the company culture. We do this, for example, by
    organization of events taking into account Ramadan and a pleasant
    vegan range of meals.