Nederlandse Loterij

At the beginning of 2018, discussions began between Cloudoe and de Nederlandse Loterij Organisatie (NLO), the driving force behind Staatsloterij, Lotto, Toto, and Lucky Day. As an innovative organization, de Nederlandse Loterij has been committed for years to providing its customers with ambitious goals. To achieve these goals, de Nederlandse Loterij consistently relies on Cloud solutions and develops integrations and connections to serve its customers in a tailored manner. Since 2018, Cloudoe has been the partner of choice for both Genesys Cloud services and Cloudoe Telephony services for de Nederlandse Loterij. The Genesys Cloud solution is integrated with WorkForce Management tools, Business Intelligence, Salesforce, and, of course, with the Apps provided by de Nederlandse Loterij. De Nederlandse Loterij uses Genesys Cloud to work independently of location and time, as de Nederlandse Loterij services are largely available 24/7.

Important features of the project included customer focus, with a central focus at NLO, a strategy aimed at "Everything in the Cloud," seamless integration with Salesforce, connections with the Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence, integration with various apps, and the ability to work location- and time-independently with 24/7 availability.

“Cloudoe executed the implementation excellently and is an absolute added value for us with their knowledge and expertise in the field of contact centers!” - Nederlandse Loterij

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